If your home has a heating system, it is important to have the unit tested and maintained regularly. If yours is a gas furnace, you have even more reason to keep an eye on the system.
Gas is extremely dangerous if there is a gas leak or some problem with the heating system. If left unchecked or if maintenance is performed by the untrained, the system can break down and cause major hazards or health issues.
Furnace repair can be quite costly at times. Trained HVAC professionals offer diagnostic tests to make sure the furnace functions properly.
When your experienced professional evaluates your heating system, there are a few items that are normally checked and serviced. Heating systems are different in every household. Your heating system will determine what is needed which may differ from below.
- Calibrate Thermostat – Calibrating the unit to the proper calibration is important. If not done correctly, the system can provide the amount of heating or cooling which can lead to higher energy costs and poor home comfort.
- Check for Gas Leaks – A technician will make sure there are no gas leaks to prevent future safety and health issues.
- Check Fan Belt – Properly fastened fan belts ensure that the system is running as efficiently as possible.
- Remove and Clean Burners – Cleaning the burners allows for more efficient burning.
- Check Electrical Connections – Loose connections can cause components to fail. Also, unsecured connections can cause electrical sparking within the unit.
- Check Blower Components – Cleaning the blower unit is advisable. A clean blower wheel as allows the proper amount of airflow through the unit and will add longevity to the unit life.
- Lubricate Blower & Motor – If parts aren’t well lubricated, they will not function smoothly. When they all run smoothly, it allows the unit to run cooler.
- Check Pilot Light and Burners – Smooth ignition is very important to system health. The pilot light and burners will be observed for proper burning and flame color.
- Check Heat Exchanger – To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, the heat exchanger should be checked for cracks.
These are just a few items on the heating system that will be assessed when you have a heating tune-up done. Each tune up service is based on what system you have installed in your home. Our professional, licensed HVAC technicians will provide you with skilled, expert services. Just call us at the number below if you have further questions.