Our Local Plumber Reveals How You Can Prepare for the Holidays

A local plumber will be available this season to ensure you are not spending the holiday season worrying over your plumbing system. While this time of year should be all about gift-giving and high spirits, it does not necessarily mean your Orange County plumbing system won’t stop experiencing issues. Drain clogs, pipe leaks, toilet overflows, leaky faucets, and more may await you this season. If you’re prepared to deal with any of these problems, this holiday season may turn out to be one you would rather forget. Plumbing problems can be particularly inconvenient when you are looking to have guests over the house for the holidays. Imagine hosting a holiday party only to discover that your toilet or sink is experiencing issues. That type of stressful situation may just happen if you refuse to do anything to prepare. Worse, allowing these problems to continue may see you lose a significant amount of money on utility bills, especially since clogs and leaks can damage the overall level of your fixtures’ efficiency. Leaks in particular will cost you so much more on water bills since they will waste several gallons of water if not treated in time. No homeowner should have to spend the holidays like this. If you want to avoid any of these problems, you need to call up that local plumber for advice so this season continues to be a joyful one!

How Can Excalibur Help You This Season?

And if you are indeed looking for a local plumber, please call Excalibur for high-quality service. We should be your first choice this holiday season if you have any last-minute plumbing problems. We have a team of licensed, fully-trained contractors ready to meet any of your needs. After all, we don’t want to see unable to enjoy the holidays to the fullest. It will be hard to enjoy time with your family when you are experiencing things like drain clogs and toilet overflows. That’s why we can provide a wide range of plumbing services like drain cleaning, toilet repair, pipe repair, and more. With our help, you will be able to save more money on plumbing service due to improved performance from your most essential fixtures. Since we can make durable leak repairs, you will also save money on water bills.  Money savings will prove a huge benefit this season when you’re already trying to gear your savings toward gift shopping and making holiday plans. Above all else, without any plumbing problems to worry over, you will be able to experience what the holidays are truly about: spending quality time with your family and friends.

How Can You Prepare Your Plumbing for the Holidays?

Fortunately, even if you are not a licensed plumber, there are still ways for you to prepare your plumbing system for any holiday festivities. The next time you are looking to make sure your plumbing system is ready to go, please take the following actions:

  1. Avoid Chemical Solutions: Those chemical drain cleaning solutions may look nice on a television commercial, but they may wind up damaging your drains in the long-term. The chemical makeup of these solutions will eat away at your drains, and make you call for pipe repair. Though they may bail you out of an emergency situation, they are best avoided altogether.
  2. Break up Blockages with Hot Water: Buildup within your drains is inevitable, but also easily avoidable. You can lower the risk of blockages by using extremely hot water. The water will act as lubricant and will loosen up sources of blockage to make it easily removable. It’s a simple strategy, yet highly effective.
  3. Discard Grease/Oil in the Garbage: If you are planning on making meals this holiday season, please avoid throwing any excess grease or oil down the drain. It will harden and work as magnet to catch any debris going down the drain after it. Before this makes for a costly service call, you should instead discard cooking grease or oil in the regular garbage.
  4. Put a Trash Can in the Bathroom: You should provide an alternate method of disposal in the bathroom so house guests will not throw any material down the toilet that doesn’t belong there. Most commonly, this will involve putting a trash can next to the toilet. You should also keep a plunger in the bathroom in the event a clog does occur.
  5. Prepare a Repair and Maintenance Schedule: Like other essential systems in your home, you should develop a regular maintenance schedule, which starts with a call to a professional service once a year. Contact a plumber to give your plumbing system a thorough system inspection so that you know it is in top shape for the holidays. If your plumbing system is experiencing clogs and backed up drains, call Excalibur for repairs at the first sign of a problem.

Enjoy Your Holidays Worry Free – Schedule A Plumbing System Tune-Up With Your Local Plumber Today

Contact Excalibur today if you want to avoid any plumbing problems this seasons thanks to service from our local plumber!